Southeast Arkansas College held a Special Board meeting on Tuesday, April 4th that discussed their first resolutions of the year that were all approved without contest. One of the major resolutions mentioned to the board was presented by President Steven Bloomberg who requested approval for making their two construction projects that were passed to develop last year, separate. Deltaplex News was present at the meeting and Bloomberg explained to the board why this resolution was recommended.

Bloomberg also presented the recommendation to approve new degree programs which will allow high school sophomores through seniors the opportunity to gain certificates of proficiency. He added that the purpose of the resolution was to align certificates of proficiency to the degree so that students can complete their degrees quicker.

Those degree programs mentioned were the criminal justice program, the computer technology program, and the general studies program. Those programs will offer certificates of proficiency for criminal justice technology arts, computer networking technology art, Esports, air conditioning and refrigeration technology, pedagogy, and general studies.

Bloomberg was asked by Trustee Shawn Howell if there were requirements set for high school students and he answered the board this way.

Those certificates of proficiency and degree program updates were set to begin in the Fall.