Chris Hart, president and CEO of Central Moloney presents Sheriff Woods Jr. with donation


Recently, Chris Hart, the president and CEO of Central Moloney announced that a Chicago based investment firm was buying the company.

Appearing on the Oldies 1013 morning show Wednesday, Hart said there were a lot of social media posts after that announcement claiming that Central Moloney was leaving Pine Bluff but said those people making the statements were wrong.

Morning show host Greg Horne then said that there was a “big check’ in the control room that was being presented to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department and asked Sheriff Lafayette Woods Jr., if that statement was correct?

Woods also confirmed that the check represented the first donation to the department’s fund and Horne said that while everybody can’t make donations at the level Central Moloney did, every donation counts.

Woods responded this way.

Horne then told Hart that he has frequently called Pine Bluff his home and asked if he were doing things like this donation to the sheriff’s department and a previous donation to the Pine Bluff Police Department as a way to help Pine Bluff get back to the way it used to be.