On Monday, the Urban Renewal Agency held a special called meeting to address two topics of discussion. A letter of intent to start negotiations with Oasis Food Market to open for business in Pine Bluff. Also, a letter of intent of intent for concession at the Go-Kart track which is under construction was discussed as well.
A vote for URA to proceed with a letter of intent to conduct negotiations was passed with no contest.
Alderwoman Latisha Brunson speaks about ongoing support for East Pine Bluff grocery store and request for letter of intent for negotiations:
URA Exec. Director Chandra Griffin shares next steps after letter of intent for negotiations:
The second topic up for discussion was a letter of intent to begin negotiations on having a concession through the services of Ratliff Enterprises Big Banjo’s Pizza at the PB Go-Kart track once complete. The motion to advance forward with the letter of intent was passed with no contest.