URA approves the purchase of property and contracts for construction projects underway


The Urban Renewal Agency held its monthly meeting at the Donald W. Reynolds Center Tuesday with all commissioners present. There were four actions that needed to be addressed on the agenda including the September 2022 financial statement which was approved without contest. 

URA Director Chandra Griffin provided information about the current progress of their housing project and mentioned that Faye Jones School of Architecture and Design is working to have all the designs for the West 3rd and Plum and another property on West 23rd to be complete after November 21st. 

Griffin introduced the next item on the agenda requesting the purchase of specific properties and related things in the amount of $30,000. That purchase was for property from 6th street to Convention Center Drive and both sides of east 6th street. The commissioners voted to approve the contract. 

In September’s meeting, the commissioners approved joining in contract with Nahbolz for 6th and Main St Plaza after revisions were reviewed. The contract solidified that URA would have to pay 4.75% which amounts to $6m.

That revised contract was approved and Griffin spoke about other financial contributions including the amount of $1m from the Walton Foundation. 

Another action approved was the East Harding Contract for the construction of the go-kart track with a 4.75% compensation. Griffing also updated the board on the progress of the go-kart track. 

During her executive report, Griffin informed the commissioners about a historical building grant that she applied for. That grant was for multiple downtown buildings but she was only able to get the grant approved for four of those structures in the amount of $10,000 for each. She added that the roof repair on 216 & Main has been completed with the inspection scheduled for November 16th.