Quorum court committee moves forward with procedures process;approves tax back program for incoming business


The Jefferson County Quorum Court held its monthly committee meeting to go over two reports on their agenda Tuesday. The meeting went a lot smoother than most recent meetings with the Justices able to pass both items in their brief meeting.

The first report was from the human resource committee an ordinance establishing and adopting procedures for the quorum court for 2023-2024. The chair of that committee Ted Harden added a motion that there be an adjustment to add a sixty-day review of the procedures and that was passed by a six to five vote.

Those that opposed that adjustment were Justices of Peace Lloyd Franklyn Jr., Margarette Smith, Alfred Carol, Brenda Bishop-Gaddy, and Cedrick Jackson. Those for it included Justices of Peace Roy Agee, Conley Byrd, Danny Holcomb, Reginald Adams, Reginald Johnson, and Harden.

After the meeting Deltaplex News spoke with Harden about this adjustment and why it was made.

The next item discussed at the meeting was a resolution to certify the endorsement of a new business, Flint Group Packaging Inks North America to participate in the tax back program. All committee members present approved the resolution and Harden also spoke about the program after the meeting stating that it is a way to bring businesses to the county.

Both items will be moved on the agenda for the regular Quorum Court meeting that takes place later this month.