Pine Bluff City Council sets 2024 millage fund


As it is required to do each year, the Pine Bluff City Council on Monday set the 2024 millage that will be collected for the Firemen and Police relief and pension funds, for general purposes and for the operation and maintenance of the Pine Bluff-Jefferson County Library.

The millage for the police and fire relief and pension funds will be one mill each, the millage for general purposes will be five mills, and the library millage will be 4.6 mills on all real and personal property.

Also Monday, the council approved two resolutions providing incentives for police officers and firefighters who receive additional training or education.

Both resolutions were co-sponsored by council member Steven Shaner who explained them to Deltaplex News.

The resolution for police officers provides an additional $25 per month for each Law Enforcement Standards and Training certificate the officer receives and$1.25 per month for each college credit hour up to $150 per month. Firefighters will receive an additional $25 per month for each level of training received, up to a maximum of $125.

The council also agreed to give the cities of Hughes and Wabbaseka surplus police vehicles, which the council had previously agreed the police department could sell at a public auction.

Three vehicles, a 2016 Ford Explorer, a 2015 Dodge Charger and a 2011 Dodge Charger were donated to the Hughes Police Department, whose police cars were vandalized and set ablaze.  A 2013 Dodge Charger was donated to the Wabbaseka Police Department.