Judge Gerald Robinson on the new GTL plant plant to be constructed in Jefferson County


Jefferson County Judge Gerald Robinson was in attendance Wednesday when GTL Americas announced that two companies had been selected to do the engineering and construction of the new natural gas to liquid fuel plant that will be constructed in northern Jefferson County.

The plant will be the first of its kind in America and the largest construction project the state has ever seen.


On Thursday, Robinson appeared on Talk Back Live with Floyd Donald and was asked about it.

Robinson went on to say that there have been a lot of meetings involving a number of different groups and individuals, including local members of the state legislature, all working to get the plant to come to the county.


According to company officials, the estimated cost of the plant will be in excess of $200 million dollars and an estimated 2,500 construction workers will be needed for an extended period of time

Robinson said he expects to se housing developments between White Hall and Redfield.
