By Ray King

Jefferson County Sheriff Lafayette Woods Jr., said Tuesday that his agency has applied for a grant to purchase equipment and to pay for an investigator to deal with drug overdose incidents.

Appearing on the Oldies 101.3 morning show, Woods said:

He said the same type of help would be available to assist individuals locked up in the detention center who are suffering from substance abuse, explaining that the help would include counseling and treatment.

He said the program would also help to reduce the number of repeat offenders who are booked in for drug violations.

Woods said drugs are responsible for a lot of the crimes that occur in Jefferson County, from robberies, thefts and killings as people seek to gain money to support their habit.

On another subject, Woods said he has not looked at national statistics, but he feels that the number of domestic violence incidents in other parts of the country mirrors Jefferson County, which has seen an increase over the past few months.