Unemployment in Drew County was listed at 3.3 percent, according to a story in the Advance Monticellonian newspaper Aug. 9.
The newspaper reported on a meeting of the Monticello Economic Development Commission on Aug. 2. At that meeting, Bennie Ryburn III reported that the current Drew County work force is 7,281 with 7,041 people working and another 240 who are not employed.
Economic Development Director Nita McDaniel told the commission that a prospective industry that had been considering Monticello told her they were looking at another site in Arkansas for their first location but want to make Monticello a secondary location.
Another prospect McDaniel had been working with will locate in Monticello. That prospect is Delta Data Services which will be operating in Cryptomining and high-speed processing. She said there are several other prospective businesses interested in Monticello and they are trying to secure businesses that will serve their needs.
McDaniel said there are four national retail brands that are interested in locating in Monticello and communication with them has been positive.