WHSD School Board Approves Consideration to Approve Petition for Transfer Resolution, Receives Update on WHHS Auxiliary Gym


On Tuesday, The White Hall School board met to discuss new items on the agenda. The board also held an executive session to make considerations for resignations and employment. The first item of the agenda were district recognitions, followed by a consideration to approve the Inclement Weather Make-Up Days. The intent is for students to make-up days that they’ve missed during the school year instead of the next school year.

White Hall Superintendent Gary Williams provided more input on the newly approved decision:



The next item up for discussion was the Resolution on Act 731 Petition for Transfers. This resolution will give the superintendent the ability to make decisions on approving board to board transfers that occur throughout the year. Parents will be able to have their case heard before the school board if their request is denied by the superintendent. For ideal situations where the requests come in, it’ll give the superintendent the authority to review the situation and approve the request instead of having to wait for the next board meeting to make a decision. The new resolution expedites the process and opens up more opportunities for transfers to occur.


White Hall Superintendent Gary Williams shared a statement on the new petition:



A notable item on the agenda was an update on the WHHS Auxiliary gym, and also the acquisition of 3 new school buses by Assistant Superintendent Dr. Cedric Hawkins:



The board approved one letter of resignation, 1 long term substitute, 3 classified contract addendum, and also 4 classified new hires: 2 WHHS Nurses, 1 Taylor Elem. Special Ed Paraprofessional, and 1 Moody Paraprofessional for Kindergarten.