Four students from Pine Bluff High School are participating in the Congressional App Challenge.

Team members are LaMarion Brown, Quinton Battles, Christopher Garcia and Christopher Carter, all sophomores from Shanta Calhoun’s computer science class, according to a news release.

Members of Pine Bluff High School’s App Challenge Team consists of LaMarion Brown, Quinton Battles, Christopher Garcia and Christopher Carter.

“The team members created and named their app Draw Pad, which allows its users to create artwork on the go,” according to the release. “The team also created a one-minute video explaining the app and its functions.

If the group wins the challenge, they will attend an awards ceremony at Hot Spring and be invited to the #HouseofCode Capitol Hill Reception at Washington, D.C.

“The Congressional App Challenge is designed to engage student creativity and encourage their participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education fields,” according to its website.

“This nationwide event allows high school students from across the country to compete against their peers by creating and exhibiting their software application, or ‘app,’ for mobile, tablet, or computer devices on a platform of their choice,” according to the website.