Central Moloney CEO talks welding training program


Before he was fired, Watson Chapel School District Superintendent Andrew Curry and Chris Hart, the president and CEO of Central Moloney had worked out an agreement to offer a welding training program at the school.

Even though Curry is gone and now works for Central Moloney, the program is continuing and recently, Har appeared on the Oldies 1013 morning show to report that it will be expanding into the Pine Bluff School District next fall.

On Tuesday, Hart was back and said that after he got back to his office after that appearance, he had a message from the Superintendent of the Dumas School District who asked about Central Moloney bringing a welding program to their district, and Hart agreed.

Hart went on to say that the White Hall School District is also coming aboard.

Curry joined Hart and said that studies have shown that the country will need 330,000 welders over the next few years and that the current workforce is aging and retiring and getting out of the workforce.

Morning show host Greg Horne then asked Curry what is in setting up a program like welding in a school district.