By Ray King
Despite the drawbacks that COVID-19 has caused the business community, Allison Thompson and Nancy McNew of the Alliance and Chamber said Monday they have seen “more project flow” this year than they saw last year.
Thompson, the President and CEO of the Alliance and Chamber said,
Asked to define “project flow,” McNew, who is Executive Vice-President said,
Thompson was also asked about the progress of the natural gas to liquid fuel plant that is planned for construction in the northern part of Jefferson County and said things are moving ahead.
Thompson said projects like the proposed plant take multiple years to complete and while nothing is 100 percent, she and others are the chamber are optimistic about the future.
McNew also announced that the annual leadership class which the chamber has conducted for 35 years has been pushed back to January 2012 because of COVID and applications for the class will be accepted beginning in October. The class will run from January to September and is limited to 25 people. For information or to get an application contact the chamber.