Listing of Jefferson County Political filings as of Thursday evening

   CANDIDATE PARTY FILINGS PREFERENTIAL PRIMARY                                                   March 5, 2024                                                  PINE BLUFF  SHIRLEY WASHINGTON                                              MAYOR                              DJONI ALEXANDER-ROBINSON                                   MAYOR                              DSAMUEL GLOVER                                                         MAYOR                              D   VIVIAN FLOWERS                                 ... Read More.

DOJ documents impacts of Texas abortion ban in new court filings

(WASHINGTON) -- Women driving hundreds of miles alone for an abortion, clinics overwhelmed with out-of-state patients, providers facing "relentless harassment" from "emboldened vigilante activities," those are some of the impacts detailed by the federal government in new court documents since the most restrictive abortion... Read More.

2020 Jefferson County Candidate Filings

The candidate filing period for the 2020 election in Jefferson County has come to a close.  In total, 41 candidates filed to run for office in 2020.  Primary election will be held March 3, 2020.  If a runoff is needed any any race the... Read More.