The Pine Bluff Arsenal has a new commander.

Col. Patrick S. Daulton was sworn-in Tuesday and became the Arsenal’s 39th commander. He comes to the Arsenal from the U.S. Army Human Resources Command where he oversaw the management and distribution of over 75,000 soldiers in six combat support fields.

The Pine Bluff Arsenal is the Army’s only military installation in Arkansas.

According to biographical information provided by the Arsenal, Daulton is a native of Kentucky. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Kentucky, a Master’s in Strategic Intelligence from American Military University, a Master’s in Military Arts and Sciences from the Command and General Staff College and a Master of Strategic Studies from the Army War College.

He is a graduate of the Chemical Officer Basic and Captain’s Courses, The Basic Airborne Course and Jumpmaster Course, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, the Joint Forces Staff College and the U.S. Army War College.

Dalton enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve as a rifleman in 1988. He served in Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and several narcotics interdiction missions and was commissioned as a U.S. Army Chemical Corps Officer in 1996.

He is a veteran of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm’ Desert Fox/Desert Thunder, multiple deployments to Operation Iraqi Freedom and has deployed in support of Cooperative Threat Reductions to the former Soviet republics.