PBSD Board Approves District Budget, New Bus Attendant


On Wednesday evening, the PBSD school board held a special called meeting to approve their annual financial report and budget, followed by approval of new personnel. For the first action item, PBSD Board member Ricky Whitmore started a motion that passed and started a vote to approve the annual financial report. The vote was passed with no contest.

PTO Vice President of PBH Erika Evans shared with Deltaplex News her thoughts on the approval of PBSD budget approval:



The last action item was regarding the addition of a new bus aide, which Superintendent Barbaree explained that one bus aide wasn’t on the agenda last Monday due to final determinations and approval needed from the board. The motion was passed which opened up voting for approval of personnel. (Bus Attendant) The vote was passed with no contest.


Board Member Lozanne Calhoun provided comments on PBSD budget approval and direction of the district:


Board Member Ricky Whitmore spoke about having the right people in position for the district to progress:

