It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of the passing of retired Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Corporal Scott Harrison, 53.  Corporal Harrison was a long-time Jefferson County resident and public servant.

Corporal Harrison began his law enforcement career on July 21, 1997, as a Deputy Sheriff assigned to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office (Jack Jones Juvenile Justice Center) until his separation on May 15, 2019 due to his declining health.

During his tenure, Corporal Harrison served with distinction and was well-liked by all that knew him. Among his many accomplishments, training, and experience, the most notable was Corporal Harrison’s ability to change the hearts and minds of the juveniles he came in contact with during his career.

Corporal Harrison was a dedicated public servant, who performed his duties in a manner that brought honor to our agency and the entire profession as we know it.  Corporal Harrison’s legacy of public service will live on and serve as an example of how to serve.  We will deeply miss his smile and personality, which merits the grateful tribute of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office.  Further, we pause in our operations to mourn the loss of our dear brother, Corporal Scott Harrison.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Harrison Family during this difficult time.