Dealing with the after-effects of a disaster can be overwhelming, Teresa Henson, Extension specialist-program outreach coordinator for the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB), said. Victims may not know where to start when trying to cope with the magnitude of the destruction. Such a daunting task can cause individuals and their families to feel a lot of emotional stress.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA), victims of a disaster experience various complicated emotions. There are healthy ways to cope with the emotional aftermath of a disaster or traumatic event.

“It’s essential to take of yourself and your loved ones,” Henson said. “Try to eat healthily, avoid alcohol and drugs, and exercise regularly to reduce anxiety and stress. Simple exercises like walking, stretching, or taking deep breaths can reduce stress.”

SAMHSA recommends the following tips to those dealing with a disaster or traumatic event:

  • Reduce consumption of news. The ongoing replay of stories related to a disaster can make victims relive the disaster repeatedly, increasing their stress and anxiety.
  • Get plenty of sleep. People have difficulty getting a good night’s rest or falling asleep after a disaster. Those who have problems sleeping should only try to go to bed when they are ready. Turn off electronic devices before going to sleep and avoid drinking beverages that contain caffeine or alcohol at least an hour before bed. Those who wake up and cannot fall back asleep can try journaling their thoughts.
  • Maintain a routine. Stick to a routine when it comes to eating and sleeping for adequate nourishment and quality rest. Individuals can include fun activities for themselves and their families to take their minds off what’s happening around them.
  • Avoid making major life decisions. Switching jobs or careers can be stressful and more challenging to adjust to directly after a disaster.
  • Understand there will be changes. Disasters can disrupt the lives of people living in the affected community for a long time. People often lose loved ones and experience injuries and physical and mental distress that may last a lifetime.
  • Connect. Share feelings with a friend or family member. It is very important to maintain relationships and rely on support from others.
  • Take breaks. Taking breaks is a great way to unwind. Individuals can slowly return to activities they enjoy.
  • Ask for help. There’s nothing wrong with talking to someone about disaster experiences. Make time to talk to a counselor, a pastor/clergy member or a doctor. Individuals can also contact the SAMHSA Disaster hotline at 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs at 66746.