United Way joined the Oldies 101.3 Morning Show on Wednesday, November 3rd and they featured one of their partner agencies, Imagination Library, a free program that focuses on early childhood literacy. Linda Bateman represented the agency and explained more about the program that was founded by Dolly Parton.

Bateman went on to explain that brain development begins at birth and most of the brain development occurs in the first three years of age. Their program helps children learn to, “pick up books, they can learn to turn the pages, and they learn to interact with parents”. Bateman explained the current reading levels in Jefferson County and why reading literacy is important in everyday life.

Since 2013, the program recruited Children and their database has increased from 13 to about 1,200 students in Jefferson County. Community organizations have played a major role in recruiting youth and Bateman explained more.

Interested parents or guardians can sign-up for the program online at www.imaginationlibrary.com and they can also call for an application at 870-534-8251. Bateman explained how the process works and the books they will receive.