By Deseray McKinzy 

Earlier this month, Deputy Chief Shirley Warrior of the police department discussed with Deltaplex her goal with the Citizens in Action Organization in which she endorsed in September of 2020. Due to the restraints of the Pandemic, the applications were not able to be accepted until May 2021. 

In light of the recent adversities we faced in the country leading up to this year, as it relates to the police and the public eye, Deputy Chief Warrior explained how the organization is in efforts to build greater relationships with the general public. Warrior added that it is to help to ultimately build a relationship between the police and the public in Pine Bluff, 

Warrior says that she expects to have at least 100 individuals to be a part of the Citizens In Action Organization and further explained their plans to target specific areas in the city,

Warrior also mentioned her main goal for the city as it relates to her first task for the organization, 

Warrior and her team will be accepting applications from the public for the Citizens In Action Organization until May 31st at the Police Department from 8 am to 5 pm. For more information, citizens can contact the Service Division at 870-730-2086.