According to the Advanced-Monticellonian, the Monticello city council members were all present at their most recent meeting in October. According to the newspaper after discussion and clarification, the council voted to raise solid waste rates to $12.13 for residential customers and $36.75 for commercial customers in a seven-to-one vote.

Councilwoman Clarissa Pace was in opposition stating that a local businessman had approached her with alternative ways to increase revenue without raising rates. Pace added that she invited the gentleman to visit with the Mayor and attend the City Council meeting to discuss ideas publicly. In response, Mayor Paige Chase stated that no one had come to speak to her about alternative views.

In other unfinished business, a resolution to raise sewer rates was brought back up after being tabled in September due to a typographical error. The Mayor explained that there is no meter to measure sewer usage so citizens’ bills are calculated on a six-month average that is taken in the winter months. Sewer rates will increase from $7.25 to $9.72 for the first 2,000 gallons.

The article explained that both ordinances have clauses stating an annual review will be performed by the sitting council, to assess rates since sewer rates have only been raised three times since they were established in 1949 and solid waste in 1974.