The Jefferson County Republican Committee, during a meeting this week, issued the following resolution supporting Israel and condemning terrorism.

Whereas, the terrorist organization Hamas initiated the carnage killing of over 1,300 Israeli civilians, including 33 United States Citizens and the taking of over 200 hostages on October 7, 2023.  Israel responded by bombing Hamas targets in Gaza.

Whereas, we deplore the loss of human life in Israel and Gaza. Nevertheless, Israel is reacting against Hamas, not the Palestine people.  Israel encouraged Palestinians to leave the targeted area; however, Hamas has purposely prevented the Palestinian evacuation in order to cause higher civilian casualties.

Resolved that the Jefferson County Republican Committee

  1. Vigorously supports with unwavering commitment the welfare, security and survival of the State of Israel.

2.  conveys condolences to United States, Israeli and Palestinian victims and their families.

3. condemns Hamas and the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as any official body or public official that refuses to recognize the State of Israel’s right to act decisively in self-defense to protect its citizens.

4. Condemns negotiating with terrorists!

The resolution was signed by David Singer, Chairman of the Jefferson County Republican Committee on Thursday, Oct. 26.