QC Justices again refuse to participate in meetings

On Tuesday evening, The Jefferson County Quorum Court Committee of the Whole held one of the shortest meetings ever in the history of the County.   With County Judge Gerald Robinson convening the meeting promptly at 5:30,  several members declined to participate in the process. ...

8 JP’s do not participate in Jefferson County QC meetings

By Ray KingAny possibility of working together to consider legislation to benefit Jefferson County was wrecked from the get-go Tuesday as committees of the Jefferson County Quorum Court were scheduled to consider a 19-item agenda prepared by County Judge Gerald Robinson’s office.As Justice of...

Pine Bluff officials participate in march against domestic violence

Kimberly Clay with Family Vibes Incorporated talks about why her organization, joined the March against domestic violence.Deputy Chief Shirley Warrior believes that the march is bringing awareness to the community…and that it’s making a difference.Officials from various non profits,...