George Austin

Booking #: 103025 Age: 37 Gender: Male Race: African American Address: Pine Bluff, AR Booking Date: 03-09-2022 - 10:22 am Charges: Battery in the 1st Degree-WITH PURPOSE OF CAUSING, CAUSES SERIOUS INJURY WITH A WEAPON ALIAS-TERRORISTIC ACT / SHOOTS AT OR PROJECTS AN OBJECT THAT CAUSES PHYSICAL INJURY POSSESSION OF FIREARM BY CERTAIN...

George Thomas

Booking #: 177235 Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Other Address: Pine Bluff, AR Booking Date: 12-23-2021 - 10:03 pm Charges: Drove Left of Center THEFT BY RECEIVING ALIAS-Residential burglary - commercial-BURGLARY / RESIDENTIAL ALIAS-Criminal Mischief

Brandon D George

Booking #: 104331 Age: 35 Gender: Male Race: Caucasian Address: PineBluff, AR Booking Date: 05-16-2021 - 10:41 pm Charges: Fleeing-FLEEING Failure to appear-FAILURE TO APPEAR Driver's Licenses Suspended No Vehicle License

Music Industry Calls For ‘Blackout Tuesday’ After George Floyd’s Death

The music industry is standing in solidarity after the death of George Floyd with a “Blackout Tuesday” initiative. Floyd is the black man who was killed while being restrained by Minneapolis police.Atlantic Records’ senior director of marketing, Jamila Thomas and Platoon’s senior artist campaign...