2024 UAPB AM&N National Alumni Queen and King Announced

The UAPB AM&N National Alumni Association Inc. announced its 2024 UAPB AM&N National Alumni Association Royal Court on Wed. Oct. 16, to build the excitement for the upcoming 2024 UAPB Homecoming Week festivities that start on Sun. Oct. 20.The Alumni Association Royal Court includes Dr. Marshawn...

Boys and Girls Club Plans Alumni & Friends Meeting

The Boys and Girls Club of Jefferson County, located at 2701 Short Reeker Street in Pine Bluff, will host an Alumni & Friends Organization Meeting on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 6:00pm.The purpose is to organize an Alumni and Friends Association, according to a...

UAPB Human Sciences Alumni Breakfast Set for November 2

The AM&N/UAPB Human Sciences Alumni Association will host its annual breakfast meeting on Friday, November 2, 2018.This event begins at 8:00am in Room 233 of the Adair-Greenhouse Human Sciences Hall at UAPB, according to a news release.It is being presented as part of Homecoming...