LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – On Monday, October 24th, a coalition of 64 legislators from the Arkansas House of Representatives issued a statement opposing Issue 4, the amendment to legalize marijuana in Arkansas.

In the statement, lawmakers said, “As your elected representatives, we want voters to understand that Issue 4, the recreational marijuana amendment, represents the kind of political cronyism that frustrates Arkansans.

Issue 4 actually creates a marijuana monopoly for a small group of investors in our state constitution, and it ties the hands of your state legislators when it comes to regulating marijuana businesses.

Drug policy should not be made by marijuana industry insiders looking to profit off of Arkansans. Drug policy should be made by the voters and their elected representatives.

We encourage our constituents to VOTE NO on Issue 4.”

Safe and Secure Communities appreciates Arkansas’ legislators for opposing Issue 4. Big marijuana is attempting to go around the Arkansas legislature and place a monopoly on our state’s constitution. Issue 4 would potentially make Arkansas the least regulated state regarding marijuana while not allowing local control on how to tax or zone it. We appreciate the legislature informing their voters how dangerous Issue 4 is to Arkansas.

The list of legislators includes Representative Ken Bragg of Sheridan but does not include Representatives Mike Holcomb, Vivian Flowers or Ken Ferguson, all of Pine Bluff,