Selena Gomez is sharing advice with those who want to take charge of their mental health.

“It’s okay to ask for help,” Selena told People as part of her Make a Call campaign, which she launched through her brand Rare Beauty in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month.

“It’s very important to be able to feel comfortable. I wish I had asked [for help] at a younger age,” Selena continued.

The Make a Call campaign encourages those who feel lonely to make a good phone call to someone you miss or someone who would love to hear your voice.

“Studies suggest that hearing a comforting voice can actually boost our mood in ways that texting can’t, so pick up the phone and call someone you love. Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Or, call anyone whose sound of their voice would bring you comfort,” Selena said in a video promoting the campaign.

Selena also shared who the last person she called on the phone was.

“The last person I called was last night, and it was my Nana,” Selena said. “I guess I haven’t made a phone call today. I need to!”

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