Toni Michelle Johnson, 41

The following obituary was written and submitted by the family. Out of respect for their wishes, it has not been altered by Wilson Robison Funeral Home.

Hey look! It’s the cartoon section of the newspaper! Just kidding but I bet I made you check. If you are reading this it means I kicked the preverbal bucket. For those of you just tuning in, now I can mark kicking the bucket off of my list!! Haha. Well just know I didn’t write this damn thing, my sister did! But seriously, since you are still reading let me give you the who, what, when, where, and why of how I got from your side of the screen or newspaper to this side. Damn it! The who -

Toni Michelle Johnson aka me, 41,

(the what) died (the when) Born October 12, 1982 and left on February 24, 2024. (The where) Born in Texarkana, TX but went for an ambulance ride between Marianna and Forrest City, Arkansas at time of passing

( the why) from cervical cancer that spread causing kidney failure among other complications leading up to death.

Daughter of Carla Johnson and a SOB who shall remain nameless. Loving mom to five children - Kylee Spencer, Kayden Xann, Bentley aka Bent Bent, Ryker Cash, & Joseph aka JoJo. Little sister to the biggest pain in my ass that I met late in life, Dee. Look after my babies or I’ll haunt you forever! Just kidding. Or am I? Also sister to Trina. We may not have always been close but I’m glad we kept in touch when we needed too.

Little sister to Dennis. Maybe we should have gotten to know each other but we know life gets in the way sometimes.

Step mom to some special kiddos, you know who you are! We had good times and bad times but we made memories. Aunt to more nieces, nephews, great nieces, and great nephews than I have fingers and toes! Wish I had known all of you better! Oh my gosh, don’t let me forget Bandit the most spoiled cat, Salem the grumpiest cat, and Zilla the great escape artist dog.

Kylee Spencer, fall in love, have babies, name them after your aunt Dee. Just kidding about the name part! Kayden Xann don’t be so hard headed. You’re growing up, you’ll get there. Focus on getting your license and school. Try and try again if you have too. Take one step at a time. Bentley Stephen, yes I said your middle name, get over it! Get your head in the books and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Play basketball, join a swim team, bowling league, or do cheerleading if you want too. Remember the sky is the limit.

Ryker Cash you will always be my “peep”. Hhmmm I guess that’s your nickname from now on. You are smart so use that talent to your advantage and conquer school. Ignore bullies, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

JoJo, I want you to stay sweet and listen to Aunt Dee. You have plenty of time to figure out who you are so don’t be in a rush. I am very proud of each and everyone of you and I love you very much. Remember going to our favorite place on earth! THE BEACH!! Remember the trip we took with aunt Dee and our first time on an airplane! But most of all, remember that just because I am not with you physically anymore does not mean that I am not with you. I will forever & always love you and be your momma.