Liberty Utilities to replace water main in area of North Phillips Street


On Thursday, March 3, beginning at 9 a.m. and lasting approximately two to five hours, Liberty contractors will replace a water main line located in the White Hall area from North Phillips Street to Sheridan Rd., including portions of Highway 270 west to Betty Street

Liberty will replace aged galvanized main pipeline with new and improved 4-inch PVC pipeline. This upgrade will increase system reliability, customer water pressure, and help reduce the risk for future system leaks.

“Ongoing infrastructure improvements are an essential part of ensuring that we are reliably providing quality water to our customers. We have been happy to take part in several infrastructure improvement projects within the White Hall community. Continuing to improve the water infrastructure here for our customers is very important to us,” said Tony Penna, Vice President and General Manager – Water, Liberty.

This necessary system improvement will result in low to no water pressure for the Briarwood Subdivision while work is being conducted. Once water pressure has been restored, Briarwood customers may notice some water discoloration caused by mineral deposits, which is normal. If you notice discoloration, please let your water flow for a brief period of time until it becomes clear.

Please note: This Liberty maintenance, previously scheduled for Thursday, February 24, was rescheduled to Thursday, March 3, beginning at 9 AM due to a chance of inclement weather. This will ensure that crews can complete the work safely.