Kelly Clarkson understands divorces aren’t easy, especially for young kids. Kelly’s parents divorced when she was young, and she’s using that experience to help coach her kids amid her divorce from ex Brandon Blackstock.

Kelly, who is the mom of eight-year-old River and six-year-old Remington, opened up about the advice she’s given her young kids on The Kelly Clarkson Show.

“I tell my kids this all the time. You’re each other’s buddies,” Kelly revealed. “You’re, like, two years apart.” The singer continued, “Especially because we went through a divorce, right? So they go to their dad’s and mine. So it’s, like, anytime you travel, you’ve always got each other.”

“I always try and make them buddies when they fight,” she added, noting she’s been teaching her kids to view the other as their “wing man.”

Kelly’s guest, actress Mila Kunis, then joked about the advice her father gave her after she had kids of her own — which is that nothing will strengthen a bond between siblings than uniting them against a common enemy. Kunis seemingly meant she had to be her kids’ common enemy.

Kelly agreed with the tactic and joked she’s been trying to make her kids unite against her. “I’m like, ‘No, you’re supposed to stick [with] each other. Don’t tattle tell the time on me,"” Kelly asserted. “Unless it’s something super important.”

Kelly and Blackstock filed for divorce in 2020. They were married for seven years. 

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