Judge Robinson’s attorneys have amended the lawsuit filed against the Quorum Court


Attorneys for Jefferson County Judge Gerald Robinson have amended the lawsuit Robinson filed against members of the Quorum Court to include more details of Robinson’s allegations about their attempt to usurp his authority.

The amended lawsuit includes video of what Robinson said was an illegal meeting in June where eight members of the county’s legislative body approved a policies and procedures ordinance but did not vote on that proposed ordinance.


Appearing on the Oldies 1013 morning show Wednesday, Robinson said the county has funds to pay for fuel for only 10 more days and since the Justices of the Peace have failed to pass legislation he requested, work on county roads will cease.

He was asked what steps could be taken to break up this logjam and answered this way.


Later in the interview, Robinson said this.

He said that for four years, most of the members of the Quorum Court were serving and the county had made significant strides forward.
