John Legend is busy juggling his music and television obligations — and he said he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Appearing on the On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast, John spoke about the gratification he gets from making music. A favorite aspect of the job, he revealed, is when he walks “into a room and nothing exists except loose ideas in your head — and then a few hours later, you walk out with this new thing that exists.”

“That song could be the one that changes your life,” he continued, noting how his music has positively impacted other people.

“One of the weddings I went to this weekend, some guy said, ‘I went to your show and it actually saved my marriage,"” Legend recalled. “I could be writing that song and save someone’s marriage tomorrow.”

“The fact that I get to go to work and create something brand new that didn’t exist before is such a joy,” he smiled, adding this is something he wants to do “all the time.”

When asked who he would collaborate with if he could choose anyone, John selected Nina Simone and revealed he named his daughter, Luna Simone, in honor of his idol. “I’ve always loved her artistry … I would just love to jam with her,” he said of the late jazz legend. 

As for a living artist, he’d have to go with Kendrick Lamar; Legend noted it’s weird they haven’t collaborated yet, since he’s worked with “almost every rapper in history.”

Legend also revealed the best advice he was ever given, which was from record producer Quincy Jones. “He says steal from the best … that means be open to being influenced and take some of that,” he remarked.

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