Jefferson County Judge Gerald Robinson discusses the recently amended lawsuit


Attorneys for Jefferson County Judge Gerald Robinson recently amended a lawsuit Robinson filed against members of the Quorum Court and Robinson talked about that when he appeared on the Oldies 1013 Morning Show.

Robinson was also asked about a report from the Arkansas Division of Legislative Audit which detailed several negative findings against his office.

The report also detailed the failure to document a discussion of results of the 2021 audit which took place on Dec. 12, 2022. Robinson said that discussion did take place in executive session and while there was audio and video to substantiate that, it was not mentioned in the official minutes of the meeting which was a violation.

The third item the report mentioned was that the county spent more money to repair a road than what the bid called for while the second item dealt with failing to list items that were being auctioned off by the road department in a newspaper of general circulation and Robinson explained that.