SALINE COUNTY — In Saline County, planning continues for the long-awaited widening of Highway 5. That expansion could have an impact on some businesses in Bryant.

Dave Parker with the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) said construction for the project will not start for another two years, but he believes the project will be very beneficial to those residents living in the area.

“I would say by the summer of 2026, you will actually see dirt move on this particular improvement of Highway 5,” said Parker.

Parker said for around 15 years now, the department has been working on ways to widen Highway 5 in Saline County. The project consists of nearly three miles that stem from Reynolds Road to Alexander Road.

“The growth, the economic development in that area is doing pretty well and to take it from two lanes, one lane in each direction, to five including that turning lane, it is just going to make things move a lot easier, quicker and safer,” Parker said.

With new projects also comes more construction. Parker said that construction could disrupt some of the local businesses’ traffic.

“If you are a business owner it certainly will impact you, some right of way acquisition,” said Parker. “To go from two to five lanes, you have got to have the land. There will be some businesses impacted. That is always a delicate process.”