465 people made their way to the Jefferson County Courthouse Monday on the last day of early voting. in total 2067 people voted early in the runoff elections for Pine Bluff Mayor and Ward 3 Alderman for the PB city council. In the regular primary election held last month 3422 people voted early. However, in the first election 2 weeks of early voting was permitted compared to just 1 week for the runoff. Additionally, the runoff election is only for the city of Pine Bluff not all of Jefferson County.
Election day is April 2, 2024.
Mayor Shirley Washington who got the most votes on March 5th faces State Rep Vivian Flowers for Pine Bluff Mayor. Incumbent Glen Brown Sr faces challenger William Fells, the former advisor to Mayor Shirley Washington, for City Council seat. Fells received most votes for alderman during the regular election.
Washington and Fells both had the most votes but neither got to the 50% mark of total votes, or had a 20% point advantage and 40% of the total vote.