Sheriff’s Office Partners with Lowe’s To Donate Water to Residents

SHERIFF'S OFFICE PARTNERS WITH LOWE'S TO DONATE WATER TO COMMUNITY RESIDENTS: Jefferson County, AR - February 25, 2021 - The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office has partnered with Lowe's to provide bottled water to the community.Coswellyn Chambers, Lowe's District Manager and Jose Rodriguez, Lowe's Pine Bluff...

Message to Citizens of DeWitt from the Mayor

To the citizens of DeWitt Trash pickup will resume as soon as the Hazen Landfill reopens and the roads clear. At this time we are probably looking at Monday, Feb 22 at the earliest! City hall will be closed but if you need to...

Bayou Meto Watershed Management Plan Public meetings scheduled for Jan. 19th

The Arkansas Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Division has contracted FTN Associates to develop a Bayou Meto Watershed-Based Management Plan. The objective of the plan is to protect and improve water quality in streams and other waterbodies by addressing non-regulatory issues through voluntary activities or practices only. There...

Blood Drive in White Hall

Arkansas Blood Institute is experiencing an emergency blood shortage and is issuing an urgent call for donors of all blood types. This Thursday, January 7, 2021 from 2-6PM in the Community Center Gym, you will have the opportunity to donate.  To schedule an...

Fish Fry at Fordyce First Assembly of God

This Friday, January 8, 2021 The Fordyce First Assembly of God at 801 Upton Drive in Fordyce is hosting a fish fry and online concert.  This is a drive thru only event with To Go Boxes available for $12. The choices are fish, chicken,...

Pop Up COVID testing Grant County

Community COVID 19 testingTuesday January 26, 2021 3-6PMGrant County Local Health Unit700 E Center St in SheridanTesting is for anyone with or without symptoms with no out of pocket expense. ID and insurance may be requested but are not required. 

Applying for SNAP

If you need help applying for SNAP:Arkansas Foodbank staff and trained volunteers  will walk you through your SNAP application, submit it to your county DHS office, and provide information about SNAP benefits and eligibility.  Reach us at [email protected] or 501-569-4311, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4...

Pine Bluff Food Distribution

TOPPS drive-thru food distribution on Tuesday January 12, 2021 at 10:30am.  The distribution will take place at 1000 Townsend Drive in Pine Bluff, and you are asked to remain in your vehicle.