Aquatic Center to become own city department


By Ray King

Mayor Shirley Washington cast the deciding vote Monday as the Pine Bluff City Council approved an ordinance to move the Carl Redus Aquatic Center from the Parks and Recreation Department to its own department.

The Mayor’s vote was necessary because Council Members LaTisha Brunson, Steven Shaner and Lanette Frazier were all absent and a two-thirds vote was necessary, first to suspend the rules and read the ordinance three times, and then to approve it.

After the meeting, Washington explained to Deltaplex News why the ordinance was needed.

In addition to Washington, Council Members Lloyd Holcomb Jr., Glen Brown Jr., Glen Brown Sr., Steven Mays and Bruce Lockett voted in favor of the ordinance.

In a related matter, the council approved a resolution setting a salary range of between $47,106 and $56,000 for the director of the Aquatic Center. That resolution was sponsored by all eight members of the council.

Also Monday, a resolution dealing with naming rights for the plaza currently under construction at 6th Avenue and Main Street, in exchange for a $2 million donation from Simmons Bank or the Simmons Foundation was tabled until the next meeting.

Council member Bruce Lockett asked that it be tabled until a memorandum of understanding can be created involving the various entities that will be involved in operating the various aspects of the project.