Law enforcement officers from Sheridan, Grant County Jefferson County and the Arkansas State Police cooperated on a search for contraband at Sheridan High School and Junior High School last week.
According to the Sheridan Headlight newspaper, the Grant County Sheriff’s Office, Sheridan Police Department, Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, White Hall Police and Arkansas State Police brought drug dogs to aid in the sweep.
The newspaper quoted Chief Deputy Pete Roberts as saying his department coordinated the sweep with the other departments and the school district after reports of illegal substances being used on campus.
He said the dogs brought from other agencies were trained to detect a variety of contraband such as guns and even vapes.
A school administrator was assigned to each team of officers with a dog and students were asked to leave their bags in the hallway. If a dog alerted on a bag, it was searched by the administrator.
Roberts told the newspaper that small amounts of contraband which he described as “minimal” were found.