Brittany Snow-McAfee, 28, was arrested on drug-related charges Sunday after she entered a church on Grider Field-Ladd Road.

The police were called because members of the congregation were afraid of Snow-McAfee. Members say she was talking about the devil. Snow-McAfee was asked to leave several times but continued to cause a disturbance. According to one member of the church, Snow-McAfee “begin speaking demonically” and saying, “someone was going to die.” She also told Pine Bluff police officer Vernita Burns that Burns and members of the church were “all devil’s children” and she (Snow-McAfee) was “there to take a soul.” When Burns asked Snow-McAfee for her name, she said “Jesus”.

Brittany Snow-McAfee, 28

When police arrived at the church, Snow-McAfee was by a truck. It was confirmed that she was the driver of the truck, and when Burns searched the purse during an inventory prior to releasing it to a wrecker, she found a glass smoking pipe that had burn marks and a substance that field-tested positive for MDMA (Ecstasy). Pine Bluff District Judge John Kearney set a $5,000 bond for Snow-McAfee Monday, after ruling prosecutors have probable cause to charge her with possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.