The United Way of Southeast Arkansas is allocating over $5000.00 to local feeding and sheltering partner agencies due to generous donations made by local community members and businesses.

“Our first priority are the individuals, families and seniors who rely on food banks and sheltering agencies for help,” said Leslie Dorn, Executive Director of the United Way of Southeast Arkansas. Partner food banks and sheltering agencies are in place to help through the year and in times of adversity. This supplemental award will increase their ability to respond effectively to our community’s’ expanding needs so essential resources like food and shelter are not added to the list of worries during this pandemic.” Dorn added, “We are all in this together.”

United Way food banks and sheltering partner agencies have started modifying operations, adding more options of distribution wherever possible. In addition, all agencies working with clients of food pantries and meal programs are minimizing risk by scheduling appointments and suggesting that only one member of the home visit the pantry or distribution site in order to shrink the number of people assembling in one location.

The new normal is still evolving but the United Way of Southeast Arkansas and partner agencies are here to meet those daily challenges and find the resolutions that work for everybody. Thank you to Area Agency on Aging of Southeast Arkansas, CASA Women’s Shelter, The Salvation Army, Delta Network Food bank, Neighbor to Neighbor, and so many more agencies out there working on the front lines during these uncertain times. You are heroes!