Monticello, Ark. – As the University of Arkansas at Monticello baseball and softball teams begin their 2021 home seasons, the Department of Athletics has announced the following guidelines that will be in place for all home UAM baseball and softball games.

In addition to procedures required as a member institution of the Great American Conference, these guidelines have been put in place in accordance to Arkansas Department of Health, CDC and University guidelines and serve to provide the safest environment for our student-athletes, coaches, staff and fans.

  • Face Coverings MUST be worn at all times – this is a UAM Campus Policy.
    • This includes when seated in the stands and around the stadium and fence lines.
  • Limited seating will be available on a first come, first serve basis in the stands for both baseball and softball.
  • Seating will require social distancing be practiced at all times. Physical stadium seating will limited, with every other row closed and 6 feet apart in open seating rows.
  • Fans are welcome to sit along the backstops and fence lines but are required to maintain 6 feet social distancing between other spectators.
  • Deck Seating
    • Face Coverings MUST be worn at all times – this is a UAM Campus Policy.
    • Fans must abide by social distancing guidelines and practice good judgement when not applicable.
  • Bullpen Areas
    • Team personnel and/or UAM game staff to be the only attendees allowed around bullpen areas. Fans may not sit/stand in this area, nor converse with student-athletes and/or coaches prior to, during or between games.
  • Per GAC Guidelines
    • Fans are not to be on the fields prior to, during or after games.
    • Fans are not to interact with student-athletes prior to, during, or between games.
  • Food
    • UAM will NOT allow grilling or cooking to be done on the premises during the season.
    • If you want to bring fast food meals and/or beverages, that is acceptable.
    • You may remove your face coverings when eating or drinking only.

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines throughout the 2021 season to ensure the safest environment possible for our baseball and softball teams! We are looking forward to a great year and excited to get the young men and women on the field and competing once again!