A homeowner’s security cameras caught a thief stealing a package off his front porch Thursday evening at his residence near W. 12th Avenue and S. Bois D Arc Street in Pine Bluff, AR.

Anticipating the delivery, the victim said that he had initially waited for the package to be delivered but have to leave his residence for a brief moment. He returned to his house a short time later and learned through a conversation with a neighbor that the package had been delivered but was picked up by an unknown black male.

The victim checked his home security cameras and verified that the package had been delivered by carrier. The camera footage also showed an unknown black male arrive at the residence in what is believed to be a brown early model Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV). The thief exited the SUV and walked up to the front porch of the residence, where he proceeded to steal 50” Toshiba flat screen television in broad daylight.


“Some people make planned or targeted attacks in that they follow the delivery trucks to try to see what they are carrying and to see if anybody comes to the door,” Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Operations Commander Major Lafayette Woods, Jr. said.  “We have also seen some random thefts where thieves either drive around various neighborhoods or simply travel on foot looking to capitalize on an opportunity. What is most important is to be on the lookout for your neighbors and watch your surroundings.”

The sheriff’s office also said there are other ways to prevent package stealing.

“We recommend residents invest in a home surveillance video for the front of their home and even the rear,” Major Woods said. “We also recommend that residents monitor online sales such as Ebay, Craigslist, and Facebook for potential stolen items. Its things like that that residents can do from home at their convenience to look for their items. Our agency and law enforcement agencies alike monitor these sites and other online platforms that offer goods for sale, but certainly the more eyes monitoring increasing the chances of recovery”.

Anyone with information concerning this theft or the identity of the suspect is asked to call the non-emergency number (870) 541-5300 24/7 or directly to the Criminal Investigation Division of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office at (870) 541-5496 Mon – Fri 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.  Caller’s anonymity is guaranteed.