The new movie Spinning Gold tells the story of Casablanca Records founder Neil Bogart, who launched the career of several artists in the ’70s, including KISS. And while Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons don’t appear in the film, they did play a part in making the movie look and feel as accurate as possible.

“They were very collaborative in making the film,” director Timothy Bogart, who is Neil’s son, tells ABC Audio. “You know, they were speaking to our costume designers, our makeup designers, our production designers.”

Timothy says they’ve had “great support over the years” from the artists his father worked with, noting, “I think the idea that he’s being celebrated finally is something that makes them all, you know, feel like that’s an appropriate thing to finally happen.”

And while Timothy doesn’t know if Gene and Paul have seen the film, he says former KISS guitarist Ace Frehley has reached out to him. “He actually went to the theater and was with a friend of his, and apparently the whole time going, ‘Yup, I remember that. I remember that.’”

Even though Ace’s relationship with Neil isn’t part of the film, Timothy says, “Just to hear his response was great. He really loved it.” 

Spinning Gold is in theaters now.

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