The Little Rock Police Department has requested activation of a Silver Alert for Kenneth Vincent Graham.
Age and/or DOB:4/4/1957 Missing Date:11/10/2024 Missing Time: 03:50 pm Missing from City:LITTLE ROCK Missing from County:Pulaski | Sex: Male Race: Black Height: 6″04″ Weight: 234 Hair: Balding, gray hair. Eyes: BROWN Complexion is described as: MEDIUM |
Circumstances MR. GRAHAM HAS FOUR (4) BRAIN TUMORS AFFECTING HIS MENTAL CAPACITY AND MOTOR FUNCTIONS. The missing Individual was last known to be at 1400 MONROE ST, APT 1400C, LITTLE ROCK, AR near 1400 MONROE . Last seen wearing BLUE JACKET, MAROON SHIRT AND KHAKI PANTS. Missing individual may be traveling in: NONE |
Anyone having information should contact:LITTLE ROCK POLICE DEPARTMENT (501) 371-4829 |