By Ray King

A collaborative effort is underway to deal with gang violence in Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, according to Sheriff Lafayette Woods Jr.

Appearing on the Oldies 101.3 morning show with Greg Horne and Will Jenkins Tuesday, Woods said his department, the Pine Bluff Police Department and the Sixth Division of Circuit Court (Juvenile Division) are all involved, thanks to a federal grant.

Called the Gang Reduction Initiative of Pine Bluff, Woods said;

A task force which includes the Superintendents of the Dollarway, Pine Bluff and Watson Chapel School Districts as well as a number of others has been meeting to formulate a plan which Woods said involved a three-prong approach.

This Saturday is National Drug Take Back Day and Woods was asked what involvement his agency would have.

Permanent drop boxes are located in the lobby of the sheriff’s office at 410 E. 2nd, at Doctor’s Orders Pharmacy on West 28th and in White Hall, and there is also a permanent drop box at the White Hall Police Department.

Because of the pandemic, Woods said deputies will take extra precautions and residents wishing to drop off unwanted or expired medications need only pull onto the parking lot of Super 1 Foods at 28th and Hazel and a deputy will come to their vehicle and collect the drugs.