Monday afternoon was a bitter-sweet moment for a long-time employee of the Arkansas Department of Workforce Services at Pine Bluff.

Ruby Neal Bradley, 89, is retiring from the organization.

“Well, I first started to work here when they were down on Main Street,” Bradley said. “It was the unemployment office. And then I’ve been with this building here when it was finished in 1975.”

After spending the past 43 years of her life helping people find work via national job listing networks, screenings and other methods, Bradley said that she would miss the friends she made over the years.

“I started to work in 1975, and at that time, we didn’t have computers. It was just a lot of handwork,” Bradley said. “But I started in the unemployment section, and I have been in that section all along. I’ve enjoyed helping people, and making a lot of friends. I’ve worked under a lot of managers, and I enjoy the work.”

Bradley said she plans on dedicating her newfound free time to continue fueling her passion for helping others.

“Well, I would probably try to find some work,” she said. “Just, you know, helping around and volunteering for different things. I’ve volunteered at the hospital and places like that, so I’ll probably go back to doing something in that area. Making myself helpful.”