By Ray King

Renovations and security improvements at the adult detention center will be paid for using federal COVID-19 money, a committee of the Jefferson County Quorum Court said Tuesday.

With no dissent, the justices of the peace recommended that a $374,387 appropriation be approved by the full court when it meets next week.

According to a letter to County Judge Gerald Robinson from Sheriff Lafayette Woods Jr., the security improvements will include replacing porcelain commodes at the jail with stainless steel ones.

Woods was asked about that by Deltaplex News.

Other items due for repair or replacement are the interior glass within the housing areas that separates detainees in medial isolation from the general population, repair/reinforce 18 gauge stainless steel panels in detainee lavatory areas to prevent detainees from escaping or concealing contraband; updating radio communications equipment and video surveillance systems.

Jefferson County Judge Gerald Robinson talked about using the COVID money.