On September 14th, Steve Strahan died of a heart attack. He was the voice of the White Hall Bulldogs, but as White Hall students explained, he was so much more than just a voice.

Steve Strahan

“My dad was a great man. He loved the community, he loved the people, you know, he loved giving back,” said Steve’s son Thomas Strahan. He remembers the first time he heard his dad’s voice over the loud speakers. “He started announcing back when I was in the fifth or sixth grade. He kind of took over you know, being the voice of the White Hall Bulldogs.” For the White Hall Bulldogs, sporting events are synonymous with a loud echoing voice. It’s a voice that played a big part in the high school experience for many students. Jennifer Menard has known the Strahan’s since she was a student at White Hall years ago. “When you were around him, he really made you feel like you were important regardless of who they were, and the kids loved him because he made them feel like the most valuable player, all the time,” she said.

Strahan wasn’t just a voice, he was a big voice. “From our little city ballpark over here I could just hear this loud voice yelling foul ball,” Tyler Zuber explained. “I just remember going down there, and him umpiring so many of my games, talking to him after the games,” said Zuber.


On September 19th, the Bulldogs had their first football game without Steve’s voice echoing through the stadium. They honored Steve with a black out game.