The Jefferson County Quorum Court Committee monthly meeting was held on Tuesday, September 7. The committee approved over fourteen ordinances on their agenda to be presented to the finance committee. Present at the meeting to speak on behalf of their committees were: Justice Conley Byrd for public safety, Justice Roy Agee for the judicial committee, Justice Cedric Jackson for human resources, and Justice Jimmy Fisher for the budget and finance committee.
An appropriation ordinance regarding the amendment of appropriation ordinance No. 2020-160, the 2021 budget of the general fund and to provide a supplemental appropriation to various county departments of the county general fund for an additional salary increase for all employees was presented on behalf of the budget and finance committee. That ordinance was approved unanimously to move forward to the finance committee. Judge Gerald Robinson explained why it was implemented for county employees.
This is the second employee raise for 2021 and will increase salaries by six percent or more depending, on their position and licenses, education, and/or certifications.
Two bridges located within Jefferson County were discussed and will be placed on the next meeting agenda.
In August the state ordered the county to shut down the two bridges, the first on Wilson Road in the Pastoria area and the second on Mulberry in Altheimer. The county receives a bridge report annually that includes a list of bridges that have damage. Those two were on the list.
Robinson told Deltaplex the bridges did not receive maintenance for the specific issues that developed over time and the topic will be placed on the next agenda prior to the full Quorum Court meeting on September 20 at 5:30 p.m.