Pine Bluff School District announces zero tolerance for COVID rules at football games


The Pine Bluff School District has announced that no more warnings will be issued to fans in attendance for sporting events for the COVID football plan. Zero tolerance will be in effect.

  • Worn Marks are required for game entry
  • Masks must remain fans or you will be removed from the stadium.
  • No second chances will be given for any COVID rules.
  • 6-foot social distancing in the stands is required except for family members.
  • Fans must seat in every other row. Rows are marked.
  • No concession stands are open. Fans can bring their own water/hydration.
  • No unnecessary walking or jumping from seat to seat will be allowed.
  • No congregating will be allowed at restrooms.
  • For varsity games no seating in the band/pom area.
  • No standing allowed. Remain seated in the stands.
  • 30-minute rules apply for pick up. (If your ride doesn’t pick you up promptly you will not be allowed back to other games.)

Additionally, Senior night will be before the November 6 home game against Sheridan. Homecoming festivities will be held at halftime of the same game.

Pregame tickets will be available starting on Monday, November 2. Contact AD Hatley at 870-489-5450 or 870-556-0712.

Ticket gates will open at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 6.